Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Le Sample Thesis for a Rhetorical Analysis

"President Obama versus Religious Liberty" effectively convinces religious American voters to vote for Mitt Romney because of the references to America's founding, the strong diction, and the appeal to liberty in order to create powerful feelings.

The Real American President


  1. Good thesis statement! I think this will make a great paper!

    1. while it is a valid point that mitt romney is a great speaker, he also needs to be backed by actions (i am not saying he is or isnt, just we cannot rely on only a good spokesman) and we should not vote based on race, gender, or religion

    2. To some degree, yes. I don't think that anyone should be voted in by race or gender. However, one's religion tells a LOT about a person. I really want to vote for Romney partly because he is Mormon. So when people don't vote for him because he's LDS that frustrates me but I understand.
