Hello blogosphere.
So anyways... here's my thesis.
Although physical violence is damaging to a person's physical health, retaliation towards bullies should be condoned in pre-collegiate education so that the victimized students won't suffer more harmful verbal or emotional abuse.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
These are some issues
Political Debates
Why political debates have do not reflect what politicians actually think. Nor do they help people pick a good president.
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Rock on. *Note-In response to the limited number of pictures on creative commons, I have decided to take many pictures myself. Sorry for the bad quality. |
Auto-Tune must die
It's true. Auto-tune has destroyed all talent from our society today. This is horrible. This would be an analyzation of pop music in general.
Violence in Schools
Why male children need to be MORE physically violent in schools.
Why verbal abuse has replaced physical abuse and why this is bad for a boy's growth.
It's true. Auto-tune has destroyed all talent from our society today. This is horrible. This would be an analyzation of pop music in general.
Violence in Schools
Why male children need to be MORE physically violent in schools.
Why verbal abuse has replaced physical abuse and why this is bad for a boy's growth.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
An Egregious Violation of Liberty
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 will radically alter the American Health Care system as it is today. One specific mandate of the Act is that in 24 months employers that currently provide health care for their employees must now also provide health care that will cover contraceptives, sterilization, and abortion practices. This is in opposition to many American Christian employers’ beliefs, and as a result, a large controversy has bubbled over whether the mandate restricts liberty. President Obama previously pushed for the Act and it’s mandates to be put in practice; accordingly, much of the controversy is around his ability to successfully lead America. One 2012 Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney, has blogged about his thoughts on the health care mandate and his view on America in general. "President Obama versus Religious Liberty" effectively convinces religious American voters that President Obama is ruining America’s freedom through clear organization, direct diction, indisputable logic, and powerful emotion that creates an urgency for change.
Mitt Romney’s organization of his blog post works to aides his legitimacy as a common man. He begins his blog by blaming Barack Obama’s administration, then goes on to say that “[his] own view is clear” and that he stands with the views of religious followers. He next says that religious liberty is facing a “serious assault” by liberalism and later ends the article by saying that it’s the American duty to preserve liberty and follow the Constitution. By following such a tight format, Romney shows that he is serious about doing what’s best for America. He does not skip from topic to topic but instead fully addresses each point in a coherent manner before moving to the next. This logically convinces the reader that Romney knows what he is talking and that Romney is earnest in his actions. In addition, the systematic and clear organization shows the reader that Mitt is not a Washington politician. Instead of trying to impress his audience with a confusing format, he shows that he is a plain man who only wants the “preservation of freedom”. Through orderly organization Romney is able to convince readers that he is a real average citizen who is determined to do what’s right for America.
Romney also uses emotion as he potently criticizes Obama throughout his entire post. The first sentence of his blog states, “The Obama administration is at it again.” By using this as his first sentence, Romney puts the enemy, the Obama Administration, at the forefront of America’s problems. Alternatively, Romney could have attempted to build his credentials in the beginning, but by acknowledging his enemy first he constructed his article with more power. Also, his opening statement insinuates two iedas with the phrase “at it again”; the phrase declares that the Obama administration has previously caused trouble and that the administration is currently causing trouble. The phrase “at it again” presents an image of a dog that needs to be constantly reprimanded for tearing up its owner’s front yard. In addition, the same phrase aids Romney in avoiding description of what the administration has done. This makes the reader feel that Obama is wrong on all levels. Romney then explains that the administration is using the nationalized health care plan to take away the rights of those who “should not have their religious freedom taken away.” He then explains that this religious assault is “coming from liberalism itself.” Mitt powerfully implies that the Obama administration is purposefully taking away religious liberty in America. By using diction like “assault” and “impose” Romney is able to portray the Obama administration as a group of conspiring men out to destroy religion in America. Throughout the article, Romney creates anger in his readers by powerfully slandering Obama.
Romney again uses emotion in his blog post through references to America, American history, and the Constitution. He says “The America [he] believes in is governed by the U.S. Constitution,” “Religious liberty is at the heart of the American experiment,” and other pro-America statements. This is emotionally pleasing because it gives the audience an impression of home and country. Mitt Romney also successfully shows that he isn’t motivated by his own thoughts, but by his care and concern for America. He subtly implies that because he is pro-America and doesn’t want mandated contraceptives, Obama must be anti-American by saying that he does. This logical fallacy makes the audience feel that Romney will be a force of liberty if elected president. By saying that “religious liberty is at the heart of America,” Romney uses strong emotion as he makes America’s concerns become his concerns. Because of these pro-America statements, the reader will feel a yearning for the policies of Romney that lift up America and not the current policies in place today.
Throughout the article, Mitt Romney uses very direct diction and clear sentences in order to logically push his point. Phrases like “If I am elected President,” “The America I believe in,” and “We must come together” inform the audience that Romney has a plan that is easy to understand as well as logical. As opposed to using deceitful diction and hard-to-understand words, Romney cuts Obama to the core with his forward moving diction and understandable sentences. This makes the reader feel as if voting for Romney is the right choice in the upcoming election because of his reasonable ideas. In this way, Romney persuades the reader that “we must come together” and triumph over Obama’s unlawful policies.
Romney also uses logic in the last paragraph by saying that “what the Obama administration has done is indefensible.” After having made plenty of references to America’s founding and Constitution, Romney calls the actions of our current president “indefensible” and therefore unjustifiable. This is important because Romney knows that the Obama administration has made a blunder he can capitalize on if only people focus attention to the blunder. When Mitt says that the actions of the President are “indefensible,” he takes away the power that any future apology or change in policy could have from the left-wing administration. The audience will feel that it is rational that they should vote for Romney partly because of Obama’s blunder. After criticizing Obama and this “egregious violation” Romney clearly states that Obama has made a mistake that will “not stand.” In this way, Romney cuts any backtracking that might occur from the left and reasonably shows his audience that Obama needs to retire from his presidency.
Romney uses emotional references to America’s founding, clear and understandable organization, straightforward but powerful diction and emotional attacks on Obama to convince religious voters that the Obama administration is seeking to destroy America. Mitt has no hidden messages or secret thoughts as he openly criticizes Obama’s latest blunder in "President Obama versus Religious Liberty." Romney convincingly shows the American people that he is not motivated by self interest but by “the heart of the American experiment.” “President Obama versus Religious Liberty” effectively shows American voters that Obama is guiding the country in the wrong direction and does not care about America. The article shows that Romney has the power to give America back it’s religious freedom if the readers will only vote for him.
Friday, February 24, 2012
My thoughts and desires...
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thug life |
I'm not a big fan of the Rhetorical Analysis. It's really formulaic.
That's beside the point.
The process went well. I learned a lot from the class lectures, the supplemental guide, and my peers. Peer reviews went way better than the OpEd reviews because there was more time devoted to them. Not being able to talk for five minutes straight was arguably the hardest thing I've ever done, but my paper was efficiently critiqued. From the mouth of two classmates came direct direction, astute analysis, and careful critique. I enjoyed looking at different forms of rhetoric, and writing this paper during all of the Republican debates really worked well.
This has helped me to analyze rhetoric in the world around me and to analyze what people are actually trying to say.
I think I've become a better person because of it. It's been fun.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Compare and Contrast
I know it's late... I just jumped out of bed.
I think the peer review we had for the RA was more efficient and better than the analysis for the OpEd.
In the OpEd analysis, we read each other's articles in class and hurriedly tried to come up with improvements and criticisms. Although helpful, the RA peer review was more in depth. We analyzed the papers the weekend before and read the rubric in order to fully aide our peers' writing. We were able to come up with more improvements and suggestions.
The peer review for the RA was better because we were able to take more time to analyze each other's articles.
I think the peer review we had for the RA was more efficient and better than the analysis for the OpEd.
In the OpEd analysis, we read each other's articles in class and hurriedly tried to come up with improvements and criticisms. Although helpful, the RA peer review was more in depth. We analyzed the papers the weekend before and read the rubric in order to fully aide our peers' writing. We were able to come up with more improvements and suggestions.
The peer review for the RA was better because we were able to take more time to analyze each other's articles.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The things we do for love.
(The title is a lie. I just thought it would be more interesting than "Valentine's day". Plus it's a cool song.)
Most people in the world have one of two opinions about Valentine's day-they hate it or they love it. For those that love valentine's day, good for you. For those that hate valentine's day, continue reading. Valentine's day began to be about love in the 15th century, specifically courtly love. It has slowly become a holiday in which romantics show their gratitude towards each other. It is characterized in American society by big balloons, expensive dinners, and awful candy. People in relationships love it; people not in relationships like it less.
I've never had an awesome valentine's day, but I would never hate on a day which brings people joy. I've had friends who have had their share of awesome valentine's days and I think that's just swell. The most famous thing Marie Antoinette never said, "Let them eat cake." I think it's a fine holiday that makes some people happy.
Basically this is the outline-ish of an Opinion Editorial that I'm too lazy to right right now. But if I did write it it would be awesome because of the skills I've learned in my writing 150 class.
Unrelated-check out "Five Years Time" by Noah and the Whale.
Good Song. Stuck in my head. FTW
edit-towards---no apostrophe
Most people in the world have one of two opinions about Valentine's day-they hate it or they love it. For those that love valentine's day, good for you. For those that hate valentine's day, continue reading. Valentine's day began to be about love in the 15th century, specifically courtly love. It has slowly become a holiday in which romantics show their gratitude towards each other. It is characterized in American society by big balloons, expensive dinners, and awful candy. People in relationships love it; people not in relationships like it less.
I've never had an awesome valentine's day, but I would never hate on a day which brings people joy. I've had friends who have had their share of awesome valentine's days and I think that's just swell. The most famous thing Marie Antoinette never said, "Let them eat cake." I think it's a fine holiday that makes some people happy.
Basically this is the outline-ish of an Opinion Editorial that I'm too lazy to right right now. But if I did write it it would be awesome because of the skills I've learned in my writing 150 class.
Unrelated-check out "Five Years Time" by Noah and the Whale.
Good Song. Stuck in my head. FTW
edit-towards---no apostrophe
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Figurative Language in Mitt Romney's Blog
Mitt Romney uses Figurative Language to relate his blog post about religion to the American people.
"But, now, more than two centuries after the drafting of the Bill of Rights, religious liberty is facing the most serious assault in generations."
By saying it's "the most serious assault in generations" Romney is able to convince the casual reader that the problem of a contraception mandate is horrible.
"But, now, more than two centuries after the drafting of the Bill of Rights, religious liberty is facing the most serious assault in generations."
By saying it's "the most serious assault in generations" Romney is able to convince the casual reader that the problem of a contraception mandate is horrible.
"And accompanying the moral principle came the social principle that only religious liberty could ensure tranquility in a new land composed of men and women of differing faiths."
(One is given an image of an American Dreamland)
(One is given an image of an American Dreamland)
Romney uses images about America and it's founding. This helps the reader understand more about why he should vote for Romney.
This is Romney's American Flag
(This is for you, Owen)
(This is for you, Owen)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Le Sample Thesis for a Rhetorical Analysis
"President Obama versus Religious Liberty" effectively convinces religious American voters to vote for Mitt Romney because of the references to America's founding, the strong diction, and the appeal to liberty in order to create powerful feelings.
The Real American President
The Real American President
Friday, February 3, 2012
Exciting Blogs I Found... and other cool stuff
true christianity
author: brother d
subject: Talks about how christ will come and how the things that happen today signify his arrival.
audience: Christian believers and any non-christian that stumbles across this blog.
mitt romney
author: presidential candidate mitt romney
subject: Why defending religious freedom is important
audience: Those with religious beliefs in America. (Possibly those that are religious that would otherwise vote for someone else.)
author: michael otterson
subject: Why mormons are awesome people. Or the extent that LDS members devote their lives to church.
audience: Those who associate themselves with Mormons. Those who don't know the work that mormons go through.
author: brother d
subject: Talks about how christ will come and how the things that happen today signify his arrival.
audience: Christian believers and any non-christian that stumbles across this blog.
mitt romney
author: presidential candidate mitt romney
subject: Why defending religious freedom is important
audience: Those with religious beliefs in America. (Possibly those that are religious that would otherwise vote for someone else.)
author: michael otterson
subject: Why mormons are awesome people. Or the extent that LDS members devote their lives to church.
audience: Those who associate themselves with Mormons. Those who don't know the work that mormons go through.
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the best part of a missionary's day-the knock |
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The writing of my Opinion Editorial went well. I spent a large amount of time on it, and it paid off. I wish that I had grabbed more statistics, but other than that I felt my paper was coherent, cohesive, and grammatically sound. I rewrote a few of the paragraphs enough to organize my paper well, and I was able to focus on a specific enough topic to make the paper strong.
Writing Lab-
I received a lot of help from the writing lab. The girl I worked with (Heather) was a senior with a lot of experience and a big brain. She helped me to organize my paper better as well as help the sentences flow better. Although I spent time trying to find it/printing out a paper/waiting in line, it was definitely worth my time.
Peer Review-
This went well. I was able to have Tanner look over my paper and critique it so that I understood I needed to clarify my points and organize the entire paper better. It was good to have a second opinion (other than my own) about the paper and get different viewpoints. It also gave me opportunity to read my paper out loud and understand the wording I needed to change.
Understanding of the topic-
To research the topic, I spent a lot of time online this week and last. This unintentionally built up my anger, which was the topic of my paper. I was able to gather information from outside sources as well as from my own experience... I learned a lot in the process.
This is me and a mirror.
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